A week or so ago I picked up a few video games for fairly cheap at a (semi) local trade shop. Okay so it wasn't local at all, but when you live an hour away from any proper shops you take what you can get. Anyway, one of the games that I purchased was a PS2 title named 'Heavenly Guardian'. It was very cheap (about $2.50) and the back of the case promised adorable, anime shooter goodness so there was no way it was not going home with me. Of course it's taken me a week to actually sit down and play it, but that is way besides the point.
image from ign.com
Heavenly Guardian has a gorgeous anime style, bright colors, and catchy music. It starts off fairly easy to play, but once you beat that first boss and move on to stage 2 the difficulty raises considerably. Needless to say I died pretty quickly, but with this game you just want to keep hitting continue to try and get further in the stage. The bosses are pretty straightforward with easily patterned attacks, but they are enjoyable nonetheless.
image from gamestop.com
Overall, this game won't make you wet your pants, but it is a very fun way to pass some time, shoot some monsters, and enjoy all the Snow Rabbits. <3
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